Citation - New England Courant: 1721.11.27

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Index Entry Lyric, moral [beg] Now on the town an angel flaming hands 
Location Boston 
20-27 Nov 1721:11 (17)
Boston, Nov. 4, 1721.  Sir   Tho' the Small pox has made
more than half its progress thro' the town, yet I presume it
may not be altogether unseasonable to insert in your next
the following lines, which were occasioned by the melancholy
prospect which the author had some time since of the present
doleful circumstances of the place.
  Now on the town an angel flaming hands
  Grasping tremendous woes in his right hand,
  And in his left, a black and awful list
  Of all our Crimes.  And shall we dare persist
. . . [15 more lines]  An evening retirement,  May 12. 1721.

Generic Title New England Courant 
Date 1721.11.27 
Publisher Franklin, James 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1721 
Bibliography B0022188
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